How to be confident for a photoshoot.

I’ve been meaning to write this for a while and a big reason why I haven’t may also be why you haven’t done a photoshoot for yourself yet. Confidence.

Not enough of it, or ‘just don’t have it’ it stops us dead in our tracks from doing something we see ‘more confident people’ do. Some who seem fearless jumping in front of camera, or like me, seeing people have the ‘balls’ to talk about uncomfortable topics. We have our own fears, I’ll tell you mine.

Fear of rejection/ or worse retaliation.

Fear of looking stupid.

Fear of sounding stupid.

Fear of being too ‘mean’.

I know some of those you can relate to, and when it comes to confidence, and I’m stepping out of my comfort zone for the sake of being who I really am deep down, it’s a choice. And it’s one you’re making, just like me. I never want to hurt someones feelings, but I realized in therapy I really only learn when hard to talk about subjects are being bluntly told to me. I’ve never been one to learn with people sugar coating things to me, so I guess you could say, I’m more familiar with being uncomfortable than I thought originally.

Confidence is a choice and here is why. We as a society are conditioned to have a set of beliefs on how we should be, act, look, sound, etc. And when we do not meet these expectations, there is something ‘wrong’ with us. There is this constant feeling of inadequacy pushed on to us and it stifles our creativity, our personality, even our decision making. We don’t typically lean into uncomfy topics because we have already experienced it with rejection from society. There will be nothing good enough we can do to gain the approval of the majority, and thats the issue. Giving someone else the power to validate us and tell us we’re ‘good enough’. Which is bullshit! Once I realized there is literally NOTHING good enough to gain general acceptance, I literally said ‘fuck it!’. I won’t be able to please everyone, I might as well be myself, and see where that gets me. Because it has to be better than giving someone else the power in telling me if I’m good enough or not. Thank you very much but I’ll do that myself now. I know better now. And it wasn’t so much a place I had to work to get to, it was a switch. By saying ‘fuck it’ I flipped the switch, and a very comfortable one at that, but here I am. For my happiness, for my sanity.

Where are you?
