What NOT to do during a boudoir shoot

  1. Worrying about what looks good on camera.

    If there are certain poses you absolutely would love for yourself, share them! Otherwise if you are looking for poses to direct your photographer to direct for you, it won’t feel authentic and it won’t be fun worrying if you nailed it or not.

    INSTEAD, go in with no expectations, move intuitively to get yourself out of your own head.

  2. Telling yourself you’re not good enough. It’ll kill your vibe and you’ll have a horrible time during the shoot. Do you really want that feeling to be memorable every time you look back at the photos?

    INSTEAD give yourself some pats on the back and credit when you nailed a pose and your photographer sings your praises! The photographer will be real with you and when they compliment you, bask in it! Give yourself permission to accept it with a open heart and allow it to inspire you to compliment yourself. Theres nothing better than photographing someone who is feeling themself, it is magical to watch a woman love her self.

  3. Eating someting heavy and greasy right before the shoot. You’ll feel bloated and gross and just don’t do it to yourself.

    INSTEAD, and this may seem self explanatory, before you order that yummy tall chicken sammie with sides, just ask yourself what foods you love that doesn’t leave you feeling heavy after, and choose that!

  4. Wearing outfits that squeeze you too tightly and make you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes naked is the way to go if you dont want to bother with outfits and your photographer is comfortable with it. You’re already doing the thing, why not go all in! But if you do want to be clothed, make sure they make you feel good. More than likely something that is pinching you and creating rolls and pudges that don’t normally exist can be a vibe killer.

  5. Doubting your photographer. Trust them, know you hired them for a reason and that they know there is a method to their madness. I know being in front of the camera can be daunting, don’t waste your energy creating doubt and a tense experience.

    INSTEAD trust, live in the moment and whatever weird position or face you make by mistake, know that will not be in your gallery. Because a good photographer will always make you look like the best version of you in your photos. They will not give you the dupes. LOL!
