The road of self-love

Dear lovely reader,

‘What has to end or die so we can experience a rebirth in our relationships?’ Brene Brown

When I was a kid, my mother ran a daycare inside of our home and during the summer months off from school I would take any chance I could to get out of there so I didn’t have to help. When I was 14 I started to ride the city bus around and do anything free in the city to avoid being home. San Antonio is a very large city so as you could imagine a 40mph routed bus would take quite a bit of time to get somewhere across town, and that was the goal. My escaping from home wasn’t to get somewhere and stay there, it was the ride there. It was the long rides, frequent stops, window gazing and enjoying the bumpy ride. It was my bliss, my alone time, a time to think and reflect, I honestly loved it, even during the hot Texas months.


Journeys DON’T HAVE to be this tiresome road to a destination, it looks different for every other individual but it can be enjoyable. I know at times it can get loud, the voices of others telling you how and what that journey is supposed to look like, but the truth of the matter is life is not a one size fits all. Just like our bodies are all built differently based on the regions of the world our ancestors came from, so does the way we live life. Remember when you’re focused on the outcome and not living in the today, you’re missing the point of this life we have been given.

If you feel a lot of lows and highs, and at times feels like you’re totally off track, you’ll find your way back. On your own time, on your own terms. *Did you know a Ohio State psychologist named Jennifer Crockers did a study on 600 college students at the University on stress levels based on their needs on outside validation? Want to know what she found? It reported students who sought approval -of their appearance, grades, choices you name it - more stress and higher levels of drug abuse and eating disorders. Students who based their self-esteem and confidence on internal sources, such as being virtuous or having a strong moral code, did better than the others in exams and had lower levels of drug and alcohol abuse.

Everyday may not look the same or what you expect, but as long as you’re doing the best you can in that moment you’re doing great. Know that outside opinons that people want to cast onto does’nt need to be owned. You have the power to leave behind what does’nt serve you and keep what does. Consider this a love letter of truth and love. I want you to enjoy your life, surround youself with love and positivity and leave behind the negative and unrealistic expecatations.

You are beautiful.

You are worthy.

You are strong.

You are powerful.

