How To Be Confident For A Boudoir Photoshoot

So you want to do a boudoir, but don’t know the first thing about being sexy, how to pose yourself or where to even begin about looking confident on camera. I am a boudoir/sultry photographer based out of Austin Texas, and I have traveled all over for clients that hire me for this exact reason to help them with. So I’m going to help you get there. You don’t have to do it alone.

First Question: Are you confident in your everyday life? We gotta work on that first sis.

It’s ok, we have all been there. Boudoir shoots, believe it or not, are 90% mindset. It’s not about having the perfect outfit, location or even photographer. (Even though those do help and are important) The MOST important thing is your mindset.

A talented photographer can’t teach you how to be confident and love yourself, you need to teach yourself! I know, its hard work, mentally you have to fight every self-negating thought in your head with a positive one, so it can make you feel like an imposter. But trust me when I say, you have to train your brain, because no photoshoot will cure that for you.

So let’s get your mind right! Self-love starts with proper self-care. Are you doing things that bring you joy or deplete you of your precious energy?

Start With A Gratitude Journal

- This is probably one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. Start with writing 3 things everyday, and if more come to you, write those down too. Do this everyday, consistency is key! You have to put in the work, so carve out a few minutes to write these down. It can be as small as a yummy cup of coffee, or the sky was clear and blue today. Whatever swells you up with joy are the things to journal.

Train Your Brain

- When you start writing down things that bring you joy, you’re actually doing more than you think. Internally you are building new nueropathways in your brain and you have now given your brain a NEW task. Finding things that bring you joy. You're going to start noticing all the things that you like vs. the things you don’t like. Changing the way your brain operates will make it easier to find the things you love instead of focusing on the things you lack or don’t have. Give yourself kudos for this! Praise yourself, your inner child and goddess thanks you! YAY, new and positive nueropathways!

Love Your Body, Don’t Punish it

- This is big one. The actions you have throughout the day has a huge impact on your mindset. When you workout, are you doing it because you know your body is a temple? Or because you at that cheeseburger and now ‘paying the price’? What you do and WHY is important. Next time you think about taking a jog or doing some lifting, do it FOR her (your body) not because you don’t like her now.

When you’ve tried this out, please send me a message! I would love to hear about your journey and how this serves you in your own unique way! :)