Why I Do Boudoir Photography. Giving Women Keys To Their Own Power.

Self improvement and Photography.

I am obsessed with self-help books and one I finished recently was Daring Greatly. I. loved. it. (Side note, if you have read it, HMU, I’d love to talk about it) The very last chapter focuses on parenting and I was reluctant to read it. Just the mention of kids makes me retract quicker than a frightened gofer. I personally don’t want my own kids, for years I’ve always felt like I could do more good with people here today. More specifically women, through photography (whether boudoir or lifestyle) to get them to use the keys to their own power and make waves in their own world. Much different from having other photographers just show up, a total stranger, and having a very forgettable photoshoot.


The idea is helping grow people here, NOW. Building them up to see how powerful, valuable, and of course, beautiful they are. By building a connection with them, making them feel heard, validated and cared for. Then photographing them in a breakthrough experience because of the connection we built and the mental blocks they discovered and overcame. The process results in great transformation, but only if you show up. I can make it simple, but it won’t be easy. Your mindset to self-improvement and loving yourself is like a parachute, it will only work if it’s open. Will you take responsibility for yourself and take the steps to have a more healthy mindset about yourself?

This only works if my potential client takes responsibility for themselves. If you see that the world has a responsibility to make YOU feel better, you’re not the client for me. If you want a 100/0 work comparison while expecting life changing results, we won’t be a good fit. I have total compassion for women who are not ready for change, it takes overcoming fear and facing the shame to make moves for change, so some never do.

“How do I know I am ready?” Well, you make an appt and show up. I always start on a Skype call, and see if we click. One step at a time.

Whether the person chooses to challenge themselves to grow or not, there’s no right or wrong way to live this life (as long as nobody is getting hurt). Having compassion for one another will be one of the most important things to implement in our life. And that is one thing I was never taught growing up but learned as an adult. More specifically to have compassion for women who are having trouble harnessing their power, who use things or people as a distraction from dealing with their own internal struggles. We’re all guilty of it at one point or another in our lives, we’re human. The real question is are you ready to do something about it and ask for help?

My self improvement journey is priceless, and I would feel selfish keeping these tools all to myself. Learning to be compassionate, to myself and others. How to negate self negative thoughts (escaping the gremlins) and navigate the uncharted waters of self improvement. After all, the suffering I experienced and all the lows, I would never want people to feel like that. I want to help ease the pain or maybe even prevent it all together. How? Through my art, while building strong connections to photograph a significant turning point in my clients life.

Putting it all together.

It’s like all the pieces came to me at different times in my life, and I finally figured out that I could fit them together. It looks different than other puzzles, it’s unconventional and there is no clear road map to follow now. I had to learn to follow my heart, trust and be at peace with uncertainty. Growing to learn to challenge all the things I was lead to believe, how to live life, and that it doesn’t actually have to applied to mine. Sharing that and making people feel validated and human is what I want out of what I do. So I’m more than JUST another photographer. I want to attract the people that seek connection, guidance and a photoshoot EXPERIENCE, than just a regular photoshoot. I want them to feel something significant and be fueled with purpose when they look at themselves in these photos. There are many photographers that will show up take a great photo of you and never hear from again. That may work for some people but for me that has always seemed half-hearted for my journey. I want to change lives and build connections, but we have to get personal to get there.

*Questions for women who want boudoir w/life changing results.

Do you compare your new body to your old one?

Are you fearful of seeing yourself in an image because you’ll dislike it?

Is that fear keeping you from doing things you really want to do?

Do you avoid certain situations in fear of shame? (self-shame or shame from others)

Are you experiencing self-shame, insecurity, or both?

How is avoiding those situations effecting the way you feel about yourself and communicate with others?

What effect does that it have on your day to day life?

Does it effect the efficiency of your work?

Does it effect your intimacy with your partner?

Does it effect your relationships with your friends or even kids?

(It’s free!)

*Amanda is a empowerment boudoir and dream wedding photographer based in Austin Texas