Continuous Battle of Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome can look like many things. In the professional world, you may not deem yourself worthy of that promotion you received or the roll you play in your company. It can pertain to your personal life, not feeling like you are not THAT friend or THAT ideal family member.

For me it looked like not worthy of starting a business where I can build up other women, cause ‘Who the f are you to tell women how to love themselves?!’ My self talk was, you are working on so many issues in your life, undoing past trauma and rewiring your way of thinking every single day, how can you possibly tell people how to be happy?! And that was it. . . I told myself, that’s exactly why I have to.


Your journey, my journey to wholeheartedness and self improvement isn’t a one time train ticket to a single destination, it’s constant learning and sharing the knowledge. Extending the hand to other women on the journey a few steps behind you and sharing that valuable information. For me I want to ease the pain that is the negative self talk, and all the damage that it can do to your life. Negative self talk is like a drop in a lake, it can expand into every aspect of your life and it shows.

Whether you are ready to admit it or not, the ways your negative self talk shows up in your life can look like:

  • Impatience towards your partner/people in general

  • Quickness to judge others

  • Not wanting to have sex with the lights on

  • Loneliness

  • Feeling drained and depleted of energy

  • Tired all the time

    The list goes on.

And those things are real especially for the women in our lives. When we allow negative self talk we are allowing all the low vibrational people, experiences and emotions to enter our lives.

I know because I’ve been there. I had the crappiest friends, who were not supportive, talked behind my back. A crappy relationship with someone who couldn’t get their own mental and emotional baggage together, so our frustrations were taken out on each other, constantly fighting. Eating like crap because I thought, ‘Well why tf not, I'm a POC anyway"‘. All that low vibrational energy was just a big huge neon sign of an invitation to keep loading more low vibrations onto me.

So when I say I help women cure imposter syndrome through photography, I mean it. It is a handheld experience, not one where I show up once then ghost. I talk to my clients and really listen. I show them outside their own perspective who they are on camera. Women see themselves in lights and ways they have never seen themselves before, and it is of such high value to have something like that in your life. It’s that constant reminder, that ignitor to light up the fire again when it feels like its dimming.

I do this because women shine the brightest when they feel their best, and wonderful things change in this world when they do. They are innovative, they are more creative, they are more compassionate, to themselves and others. They are assertive and goal chasers. Because whoever heard of someone that got what they wanted by being a pessimist?

If you are ready to break out of your impostor syndrome, message me, let’s talk.

or email me directly at