Why Self-Image Can Be Linked To Spiritual Health

Have you heard of Spiritual Health?

Spiritual Health can look like:

  • Honoring your intuition

  • Meditating for a clear mind (resting your mind from racing thoughts)

  • Seeking natural remedies ( Acupuncture, massage etc)

  • Spending time in nature

  • Developing a relationship with the universe.

How do these sound to you? Do they sound silly? Does it sound like it won’t do much?

Small steps are most likely to be overlooked and ignored because from a busy perspective, it might be difficult to grasp the idea that slowing down can actually propel our success and productivity. Think of it as a sling shot, to be sent flying forward, you must pull back to build momentum.

Now trust me, I’m not all preach, these things I wouldn’t be talking about unless I myself actually applied this to my life. I am a recovering perfectionist and I work everyday to maintain a peaceful, trusting mindset, (the developing the relationship with the universe to trust everything will be o.k). Yes, it’s challenging, it’s like working a muscle you haven’t ever used, it takes time. But it’s not impossible.

So why is it so important?


Well to be honest, if you like having your sanity than maybe this will be for you. It wasn’t until I stopped and slowed down that I noticed how much of a rat race mentality I was in all the time. Constantly playing ‘catch up’ with the world and its expectations. This is where we tie in body image.

The world and societies expectations, whatever part of the world you are in, have a strong hold on us and is reinforced by constant messaging through social media, ads, billboards, magazines and even family. It’s enough to make any person start comparing themselves to others and fall into a endless loop of ‘fixing ourselves’.

Now, I’m not saying to avoid this is all dependent on maintaining your spiritual health. That would be too easy. Sorry folks. There are plenty of other areas, like your mental mindset, emotional wellbeing and so on that can all be tended to to work on your body image. However, spiritual health is widely ignored because of this conditioning of ‘be better, be fast, get more done, do more work, nothing is enough…’ It’s all about ‘go, go go’ and not enough slow down.

Practice some of the mentioned tools above, even if it’s for 5 mins before you get ready for the day. Take a peaceful moment to yourself. There is no overnight success, this takes time and consistency, so this is your opportunity to also build patience and compassion for yourself.

When you start, please share your experiences with us. Join our facebook empowerment community. Link is below if you would like to be added!


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