Self-Love & Abundance During a Pandemic

During this time of Covid-19 it is become especially challenging to maintain a peaceful and abundant energy. Almost everywhere you look and go you are reminded of the state of the world. Yes the world is healing and that is a blessing, but what about your own healing? It can be easy to get lost in others actions and events, let’s start shifting the focus on yourself.


Now that you have your breathing, bring your eyes to a slow close and with your feet or behind planted on the ground start picturing roots being sent down deep into the earth. Imagine strong roots like a tree and then start drawing energy out of the earth. Start seeing the energy being taken up through your roots and into your body a little at a time. First your feet, calfs, up your thighs, abdominal and slowly making its way to your head. This is a great way to break any come and go thoughts. Do this as long as you need, your pace is perfect for you.


The first step you can do for yourself is bring your focus to your breathing. Find a quiet place in your home if possible and start focusing on your breathes. Picture your lungs expanding when you breath in deep full of clean air and smaller as you breath out. Imagine inhaling unconditional love, it fills up your head, taking and washing away any negative thoughts of feeling out as you exhale. This simple thing can bring you back into your body. Do this a few times until you find yourself back into your body and your energy has become calm.

*Another great way is ‘block breathing’. Thank you Brene Brown!

Inhaling for 4 seconds

Hold for 4 seconds

Exhaling for 4 seconds

Hold for 4 seconds



Having a ritual will help you feel productive without draining you in a negative way. If you don’t have one try taking a walk when you wake up, reading or meditating. These are great ways to take advantage of your calm brain in the morning and jumpstart you to your next task.

Make sure to do things that serve you in a positive way and make you feel good about yourself. Remember to be kind to yourself. Soon you’ll find these things accumulate and you can make them apart of your everyday ritual. A routine drains you, a ritual fills you.

Gratitude Practices

Starting a gratitude journal is a fantastic way to shift our focus from what you don’t have to what you do have. Write down 3 things that you are grateful for. You’ll know what it is by the feeling that is attached to it. And it can be the same thing day after day if you are having trouble thinking of things to write down. Remember to shower yourself with love that you sat down and took the time to do this. You’re making steps and that is enough.

Do this everyday, BE CONSISTENT, and slowly you’ll start to notice things you love than what you lack.

A great youtube video here talks about dissatisfaction and the science behind doing a gratitude journal, if you’re a nerd like me.


I know these may seem simple, but these has helped me and ones close to me tremendously. If it helps you or you have your own personal way of coping that is helping you positively, please share! I’d love to hear it! We are all in this together, and want to inspire and be inspired.

Amanda WilkinsComment