3 tips to prep for a photoshoot

Everyone that I photograph can be models, but this beautiful human here wanted to really strive to be that.   We worked together to accomplish his wants and vision for this shoot and you know I'm a laid back kinda gal, so we hit up UT for some sunrise photo magic.  

You may not always know what to do to prepare for a shoot, so here are a 3 tips to use and know when you want to hire a photographer.

1. Interwebs is your first stop to gain inspiration.

So you snagged a awesome photographer! ;) I ask if you have any ideas of your shoot, and you draw a blank.  You know you've seen some stuff you like but can't recall the details. Look up some inspiration on Pinterest or Google!  You don't have to know what it is your are looking for, just save images that speak to you then send them to me via email.  I'll look them over and can gather info, ask questions and pick out further ideas to make this shoot a reality.  If you have no idea and open to anything, thats great! I'll pick your brain and come up with something that directly reflects you. 

2. Comfy clothes!

Please for the love of all that is holy wear clothes you are comfortable in.  That doesn't mean wearing something that doesn't make you feel great.  We have all heard that saying, 'beauty is pain'? Scratch that shit.  Lookie here my friend, it is super important to me that you have a great time during this special occasion. (because lets admit, photoshoots are not a daily occurrence, there for a special occasion) That will not happen when you are constantly adjusting yourself and uncomfortable clothes you otherwise wouldn't wear.  Feeling great is also being comfortable, I'll see the confidence and joy pouring through you much more verses you constantly distracted with your outfit riding, itchy or inflicting blisters.  So high heel fans, be sure to bring a comfy pair of shoes.  Some photos won't have your feet in them, and that will be the time to take a break from the heels to prolong the comfort of your feet.

If you need help with that, bring that up at the consultation and I will be there to help say 'yes' or 'no' to outfits you are unsure about. 

3. Trust the process!  

The day of the shoot has arrived, you are ready to go!  You're having a good time and your photographer is doing some real crazy shit, jumping around,  getting different angles.  For some its hard to see what it is exactly the photographer is trying to capture from where you stand.  Trust the process! When you put your trust in the hands of your photographer, you are letting go of full control and soley focusing on having fun! Thats exactly what I want to see and capture.  It will be the opposite of that when I keep seeing you eyeing the camera with confusion.  Let go, have a good time, don't be afraid to laugh and smile!  Capturing the authentic you is exactly what we want on paper, don't be afraid to look funny.  I will capture the moments where you are at your most stunning, so come gallery reveal time, you will feel as great about yourself seeing the photos as you did when we took them. 

Visit my contact page to book a Senior/solo, couples or boudoir.