What is Photoshoot Transmutation?

Sometimes I feel as if my messaging might not be very clear, like I might be confusing everyone. The truth is, being a photographer and someone extremely passionate about the healing journey, the line gets blurry. I’m learning how to bridge the two together and there’s nothing I have found that I can model after to ensure I’m doing it ‘right’. Everything is light and darkness, and everything in between and I frequently remind myself of that even during this journey. That I may not always get it ‘right’ when it comes to connecting to you, my audience, and sending the clear message of what the art is about.

Honestly, it’s a lot of things, it can not be contained, but if I were to narrow it down to a common denominator, it would be connecting with yourself. It can be done sexually, sensually, angerly, passionately, calmly. We sometimes hinder our own growth by thinking only inside of the box we were given growing up . And since we have spent so much time there, we forget there are more ways to experiencing joy and introspectiveness. We limit ourselves, we allowed the conditioning to convince us we can not remove the binds.

Here is a clients words on their experience using photography to transmute grief from a life altering event to experience joy again in her life.

TW: grief, rage

Today is a special day for me; it marks two years since a significant event happened which lead to a domino effect that took me to the lowest point in my life. Needless to say the past couple of years have not been fun. I had to deconstruct an entire belief system, the future I envisioned for myself had completely disappeared and I was consumed by grief, rage and dispare.

In the most dramatic of ways and terminology, I feel like I have witnessed my own death. I am no longer the person I was.

Today I have a new life, new boundaries, new belief system, new future- all of which I have worked really hard to obtain and it’s all something that I am extremely proud of. And even despite the bitterness I still feel about my journey, most of which occurred by myself, (even out of the eyesight of my inner circle) I can now look at it with some gratitude- because without my grief I could not be on my way to experience true joy.

I had the honor of working with Amanda at
@frenchpressphoto who 8 months ago did a phenomenal job capturing my sacred grief and rage. I wanted to share these pictures, not only to show how far I have come, how much I have healed, but to truly bear witness to my journey.

The person in these pictures, the broken, crumpled up version of myself, is sacrosanct, and now as I stand in my own power, I want to honor her today and reclaim this day as my own. That today marks the two year anniversary of the Universe saving me from a life I would have hated, and given me the opportunity to resurrect it in a way that is purely aligned with me. ✨

What are you thoughts on a photoshoot to help transmute energy for self-clarity?

- Amanda

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